150. Your Honking Monotoe
September 5th, 2022 | 1 hr 1 min
jenni, tyriq
Lords: Jenni and Tyriq. We discuss Hot Topic, toe picks, Topical medication, why they call it a Topic bar, Test of Proficiency in Korean, and Topic Records.
149. Croc Nutz
August 29th, 2022 | 1 hr 6 mins
david, erica
Lords: Erica and David. We discuss a partnership between you and a tool, Schmalhausen and Vernadsky, whether a wedge is a machine and what to do about it, "The Poetry Teacher" by Mary Oliver, and drinking vinegar.
148. Dual-Wielding Ingresses
August 22nd, 2022 | 1 hr 8 mins
cishetkayfaber, phone
Lords: CisHetKayFaber and Phone. We discuss Japanese adult video titles, 3DS Street Pass, service at Lou's Cafe, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, and people that do things.
147. Part-Time Cryptids
August 15th, 2022 | 1 hr 4 secs
laura, nick4
Lords: Laura and Nick. We discuss how to fix pooping, The Hobbit: Dopemoker Edition, Gato Gonzales and the Guts Pose, "The Fish" by Elizabeth Bishop, Twitter's UI changing Top Three and Top Five into Top Four, and how to cope with growing a millimeter taller every week.
146. If You Can't Pay The Time, Don't Do The Feet Liking
August 8th, 2022 | 48 mins 35 secs
maxx, nelson
Lords: Maxx and Nelson. We discuss how many how many random numbers you can dial before you contact someone who is expecting you, pocket versions of your art, the Dave Matthews Band Chicago River Incident, and So You Want to be a Writer, by Charles Bukowski.
145. A Visceral Tobacco Consumption Experience
August 1st, 2022 | 1 hr 54 secs
hallie, john
Lords: Hallie and John. We discuss finding value in shared imagined spaces and worlds outside of religious contexts, final Fantasy Challenge: Zero Story; and other vaporware games & mods of which no record exists on the internet, streaming movies on Youtube, and Canterbury Tales General Prologue, by Geoffrey Chaucer.
144. Vultures Who Know The Difference (Between Sugar And Aspartame)
July 25th, 2022 | 1 hr 12 mins
jesse, johnb
Lords: JohnB and Jesse. We discuss Wario 64, bringing back Dogme 95, Seeking Mr. Eaten's Name again, This is Just to Say, by William Carlos Williams, outdoor pop machines, and Godzilla.
143. Your Face Is Looking A Little Impact Resistant
July 18th, 2022 | 1 hr 4 mins
chall, jenni
Lords: Chall and Jenni. We discuss frogs that leap without knowing how to land, the charachorder, speedrun health hazards, Bananas Bananas by Greg, the Chicago Bean, and walkin'-around videogames.
142. Threatjazz
July 11th, 2022 | 1 hr 7 mins
ben, tyriq
Lords: Ben and Tyriq. We discuss what occupations are closest to adventuring, getting a tattoo as motivation to be healthier, playing instruments with your hands vs. with your mouth, The Mushroom Hunters, putting butter in food, and the sad nonexistence of Violence/Threat Jazz.
141. Toast In Its Original Format
July 4th, 2022 | 1 hr 6 mins
avery, jesse
Lords: Avery and Jesse. We discuss Laserdisc, tracing the lineage of racehorses on Wikipedia, bread too wide to fit in toasters, "In my Dream, I am a Man," and variants of bowling, now mostly lost to history, which are like glimpses into possible worlds metaphysically close to our own.
140. The Most Edible Petrochemical
June 27th, 2022 | 1 hr 15 mins
johnb, kevin
Lords: Kevin and John. We discuss reading the other headlines on newspapers in films that flash on screen solely for the headline, the Game Boy Camera, best Halloween candy: candy corn or pumpkin-shaped candy corn?, "Icarus" by Edward Field, and Douglas Hofstadter.
139. She Died As A Space Racist
June 20th, 2022 | 58 mins 36 secs
devonin, shepard
Lords: Dan and Shepard. We discuss playing narrative games exactly once, when life is like an adventure game, Sleng Teng Riddim, Tyger! Tyger!, going to college on the internet, beating your dad at scrabble finally, and traffic jams.
138. From Infracheddar To Ultrableu
June 13th, 2022 | 1 hr 44 secs
elena, xander
Lords: Elena and Alexander. We discuss hosting a party vs. going to the party, the Pearl Jam Liner Notes method of writing first drafts, Lagrange Point Lasagna, Ode on the Longitude, the theory of spontaneous generation, Sunday Roasts, and diagnosing Jim's tongue.
137. Burying The Machete (So Nobody Can Open The Coconuts)
June 6th, 2022 | 1 hr 16 mins
april, john
Lords: John and April. We discuss playing GTA V in lieu of hiking in California, embroidery, jokes that 3-year-olds tell, Moondrop's Tale, Survivor, and why Twitter keeps recommending Russell Crowe.
136. Thanks For Inventing Dengue Fever, Mark Rosewater
May 30th, 2022 | 1 hr 3 mins
erica, jenni
Lords: Erica and Jenni. We discuss the Talenti Cup System, decentralizing social media, what 3-year-olds know about peeing in the woods, Mark Rosewater-designed devil fruits, and decarbonizing the language.
135. I've Been A Bad, Bad French
May 23rd, 2022 | 1 hr 15 mins
fred, nate
Lords: Nate and Fred. We discuss rice cookers playing music, competition in a utopia, Hot Ice, Cool Sounds, Goblin Time, whether the D&D-themed Nerds marketing campaign is good for D&D, and convincing the four horsemen to hire you as fifth horseman.