134. A Bad Case Of Footmouse
May 16th, 2022 | 1 hr 55 secs
maxx, michael
Lords: Maxx and Michael. We discuss World's Greatest Author Chuck Tingle, ways of making moving easier, melatonin parenting decisions, and fjf.
133. Every Tumbleweed Is An Antique
May 9th, 2022 | 1 hr 1 min
avery, duncan
Lords: Duncan and Avery. We discuss the golden age of belt buckles, someone asking if you remember Tetris, the JVC PocketMail, The Prelude, by Matthew Zapruder, hyperspecific collections, and Yiwum, the city in China that produces 60% of all the Christmas decorations in the world.
132. A Miserable Pile Of Knuckles
May 2nd, 2022 | 50 mins 54 secs
cort, jenni
Lords: Jenni and Cort. We discuss novel uses for hundreds of surplus ceramic clown statues, thinking about household stuff as a system you can design to meet your needs instead of a cultural lifestyle obligation, Sidetalkin', Big Black Elephant, giving people a video game so they can paradigm shift, and games or sports that started out as fictional, but that people actually play.
131. GDC Santa Rides Again
April 25th, 2022 | 1 hr 7 mins
kev, mike
Lords: Mike and Kev. We discuss embracing creative chaos is very hard but paradoxically extremely common, thanatosensitivity, GDC, Tarantulas on the Lifebuoy By Thomas Lux, and Being left handed in a right handed world.
130. Gilding The Lemur
April 18th, 2022 | 1 hr 12 mins
stevie, tyriq
Lords: Tyriq and Stevie. We discuss watching TAS videos and wondering how much of what is happening is necessary vs flourish, if Jeff Bezos wanted to create Jurassic Park, dipping fruit in chocolate, Strong Men, Riding Horses by Gwendolyn Brooks, and the creators of Earthworm Jim: Where are they now?
129. Yet Another Country Where They Don't Pee
April 11th, 2022 | 1 hr 7 mins
alex, shannon
Lords: Alex and Shannon. We discuss regional Trash animals, dynamic water features, the Pee Pee Dance's Wikipedia absence, The Bells by Edgar Allen Poe, recipe essentialism,
and Sei Shonagon's Hateful Things. -
128. Intermittent Fasting Kirby
April 4th, 2022 | 1 hr 7 mins
chris, jenni
Lords: Jenni and Chris. We discuss bean trees, the spoilers social contract, words that men know but women don't and vice versa, Ozymandias by Percy Shelley, chilling by yourself in the womb unless you're a twin, oldschool AD&D being hard to start but ultimately less video/board gamey, and Wordle speed runs.
127. Let's e e cummings This Up
March 28th, 2022 | 1 hr 13 mins
cort, fabian
Lords: Cort and Fabian. We discuss Black Square Day, why we have nostalgia for old computers even though they were terrible, the Dirtywave M8 tracker, and Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, by Robert Frost.
126. Toast Is A Fruit
March 21st, 2022 | 1 hr 6 mins
david, erica
Lords: David and Erica. We discuss choosing plant families for the apocalypse, alternation of generations, gaming your Fitbit, Ode to Spot, Stonecoin, and things that have not gone wrong yet.
125. Your Mom Won't Cry
March 14th, 2022 | 1 hr 3 mins
alexicographic, danielle
Lords: Danielle and Alexander. We discuss learning to figure skate as an adult, cursed mnemonics we never question, the first thing you remember buying online, a child's beliefs about the afterlife, learning how to speedrun without actually doing it, and receiving texts in your email.
124. Call Me Da5id; Da4id Was My Father
March 7th, 2022 | 1 hr 1 min
tyriq, xander
Lords: Tyriq and Xander. We discuss choosing a name with numbers in it, overcoming the inertia of old tools, confusing two things that are not the same, Sweater Weather, by Sharon Bryan, making things that occupy real-world space, and Ithkuil: the inscrutable conlang that was co-opted by Russian Buddhist cultists.
123. Go Up, You Bald Head!
February 28th, 2022 | 1 hr 3 mins
chris, hallie
Lords this week: Hallie and Chris. We discuss playing card finishes, how we'd talk about religion and faith if those words didn't exist, Good Bones by Maggie Smith, and hair mayonnaise.
122. If You're Cold, Your Oatmeal Is Cold
February 21st, 2022 | 58 mins 33 secs
ananda, maxx
Lords: Maxx and Ananda. We discuss rare videos of European hamsters, eating the last dragon vs. eating a human being, what's wrong with math Wikipedia, All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace by Richard Brautigan, Diatomite and our weird relationship to tiny cursed skeletons, and making fermented foods.
121. A Delicious Treat For Your Brain's Ass
February 14th, 2022 | 1 hr 4 mins
chall, ryan
Lords: Ryan and Chris. We discuss what position you sleep in and when you're going to die, the power of limes, why we have fingernails, and a poem about garlic bread.
120. The Mouse Is For Hippies And Slackers
February 7th, 2022 | 1 hr 1 min
daniel, jonah
Lords: Daniel and Jonah. We discuss the energy of Chop Socky, the Resident Evil series, Flettner airplanes, Ogden Nash's poetry, Indonesia, and watching movies without finding out anything about them first.
119. Book 'Em, Dildano
January 31st, 2022 | 1 hr 3 mins
chris, jenni
Lords: Jenni and Chris. We discuss Wordle metagamers, obscure fantasy niches, using up all the ink in a ball-point pen, The Tiger by Nael Age 6, Wizard's failure to make D&D fun at high levels, and compare and contrast: Barbarella's energy vs. Zardoz's energy.