199. The Hum Of The Universe Sounded Like A Bug Zapper
August 14th, 2023
1 hr 17 mins 6 secs
Your Hosts
About this Episode
- April
- Ryan
- John asks "Puzzles/puzzle games and challenges you find pleasant and brain-expanding vs. the ones that you just cannot get your head around."
- Which foods would be the most fun or the least fun to eat if you rotated them at a 90 degree angle first.
- The Shaggs
- Instructions for Traveling West, by Joy Sullivan
- Songs that we completely ignore how weird they are because they're famous already
- Unions
- Plug guilt.
- Mentoring young composers.
- Saying smart stuff about things you know about.
- Taking the W.
- A high pitched ding whenever someone succeeds at something.
- A Good Snowman is Hard to Build.
- Into the Breach.
- Pushing the Vek to a different square.
- Making something in your environment more satisfying.
- A squid with your kid.
- Colors that have frequencies vs. compound colors.
- Indigo: a fake color.
- The banger heavy duty colors.
- A range of frequencies that is culturally mediated.
- Paint mixing vs. light mixing.
- Exploding ancient dinosaur juice constantly.
- The electricity magic vs. the valve magic.
- What does it mean to explode?
- How to tell the difference between things you know because it's common knowledge vs. things you know because it's what you obsessed about when you were 15.
- Having a responsibility to the taxpayers to not be wasteful.
- The science of what sounds good.
- The most confusing music you've ever heard.
- Food rotation.
- Imagining you have a banana coming at you. (It's not scary.)
- Biting it the way we bite it.
- Burrowing through your hamburger top to bottom.
- Living with the mayonnaise for 30 seconds.
- What happens when you turn a taco 90 degrees.
- Ike's Paradox.
- Eating a rib straight up and down.
- Pizza sandwiches.
- Explaining to your dentist that your bottom jaw is a ruinous cavern because you eat ribs top to bottom.
- Adding a thickening agent to soup so you can turn the bowl sideways and just shove your face in there.
- Buying the Ultra Rare Cheeto Shaped Like Batman Crying just to flip it.
- A li'l cute ghostie with ears.
- Affection for bands that are bad.
- A rock album recorded by three kids who have no interest in or aptitude for writing and performing music.
- Art that lives at the very tips of the horseshoe ends.
- High fashion and weird looks that aren't meant to be for everyday.
- Music that sounds bad in a way that you don't recognize.
- Music that is boring and propulsive at the same time.
- Music that is not for listening to.
- Threatening your wife with a conversation about Beatles chord progressions.
- Making art that is boring in unexpected, interesting ways.
- Inventing a new boring version of interesting that still isn't interesting but is boring in interesting ways, which should make it interesting but doesn't.
- Finding a desert and falling in.
- Watching a purple meadow quiver and drinking whiskey beside a 100 year old cactus.
- Whether Joy is a trick.
- Blowing up your life and other people's lives as well.
- The other entendre.
- Yet another example of this fucking show.
- Cooking for the rest of your life without ever washing dishes.
- Joy that can't not be real.
- Poetry that's just really well-constructed prose.
- A poem that doesn't have any line breaks because then it wouldn't fit on Instagram.
- A true poet who accounts for swiping.
- An expression of a huge evocative idea built out of tiny ideas.
- How to be happy even when you are not actively chasing your dreams.
- A song that is famous in some way.
- That fuckin' Pina Colada song.
- Marrying the same person three or four times.
- Bouncing along and going on a fun road trip while the world is ending.
- Mystifying number one hits.
- Robot Mr. Feeny in your car and you go around solving mysteries together.
- Getting your wife a Groucho Marx nose for christmas.
- Robust dependable noses.
- Think On Thine Sins, Gumshoes.
- Giving the Latin Grammar Police the L.