192. The Prime Number Shitting Bear
June 26th, 2023
1 hr 6 mins 52 secs
Your Hosts
About this Episode
- CisHetKayfaber
- Charlie
- Umbrellas, siphons, and other physical things that seem like hacky bullshit but actually work
- Articulating the shape of your internal cause-and-effect network and applying it as a learning superpower (futurevision)
- I'm not sure what archipelago.gg is but if I read this paragraph aloud maybe we can figure it out together
- A copypasta from this page:
- Why is a skill less valued the more we love it? Shouldn't it be the opposite? Is this arguable?
- Supporting someone's video game dream in Denmark.
- Escaping from idle games.
- Video games drawing the screen as often as they can.
- The pauses getting longer and longer whenever the bear needs to shit a new prime number.
- The prime number shitting bear getting constipated.
- How to calculate prime numbers faster.
- Math stuff.
- A choo choo train of thought.
- Meditation apps that play ads while you're in the middle of meditating.
- The thing where you put your mouth on the tube and then have to spit out the gas or you get neurological damage.
- Creating a low pressure system by sucking on a tube.
- Whether umbrellas make sense.
- Umbrella side-drip.
- How bicycles stay upright.
- Does a bicycle on a treadmill stay upright?
- Pattern recognition.
- Seeing a situation you recognize and understanding what's going to happen.
- Predicting where someone's sentence is going to end up.
- Putting your water glass in a zone where it's going to get knocked over.
- The shape of your mind's cause and effect network.
- Seeing scenes from the future, like in Law and Order.
- Predicting the future so that you can be a more efficient organism.
- Mashing air molecules at you.
- Speaking a language that your coworkers don't.
- Applying FutureVision to your creative process.
- Nonlinear creative processes.
- One unique large musical story where nothing repeats.
- A physical task you are doing inside your head.
- The pet that is closest to having a kid.
- Importing a portal gun into Tears of the Kingdom.
- Finding the hookshot in Metroid and your friend then bring able to use it in Link to the Past.
- How to know what your friends want.
- All the bad ways an idea could be implemented
- Surprise boomerangs.
- Archipelago's Release System.
- The era of couch co-op games.
- A multiplayer season where everybody picks a different game.
- Doing the oration.
- Who the colored lights in your keyboard are for.
- Polygonal dudes with long hair head banging in the background.
- Weirdly modern music.
- Fifteen years of everything else.
- Rhythm games vs. music games.
- Living in a society.
- Devaluing the skills you love.
- Listening to a song and really appreciating its use of rests.
- How note lengths and rests work in tracker music.
- Stopping a note without starting a new one.
- Running experiments to determine exactly when a note should stop.
- The micro decisions of things that people don't think about or care about.
- A bird named Mabel.
- A bird figuring out how to enjoy music.
- A tepid delicate series of notes.
- Attractivision.