228. Detecting Myself As Spam
March 4th, 2024
1 hr 10 mins 47 secs
Your Hosts
About this Episode
- Fif
- Mitch
- The Ace Attorney series' English localization's naming conventions
- The kissing mechanic in Bully represents both what is genius and terrible about the game
- Podcast Prep Sheet Trending Guests and Topics
- The Tay Bridge Disaster
- No but seriously what the hell is up with the user interface in Bully. I assume it's just a Rockstar thing? I'm only into Bully so it is a mystery
- Comments that say "why did the algorithm recommend this to me"
- Two handfuls of times.
- Something very fivey about hands.
- Dependability and a detail-oriented nature.
- Putting your resume in the show notes.
- Naming your kid a list of two things.
- A story taking place in a Los Angeles that is a satire of near future Japan.
- Naming games after verbs.
- Mario Push Button.
- The Haiku-detecting tumblr bot.
- Imagining an opinion and searching for someone who has it so you can yell at them.
- All the time we have for Topic Lords.
- Kissing a kissable person. (They have kissability.)
- A dress-up fashion thing.
- Wearing a reindeer patterned jumper to reduce your kissability.
- Applying triple-A polish to a boarding school setting.
- Dorms in a castle.
- Hey, nice face.
- Demographics based on what classes you have to take to kiss members of the demographic.
- Dressing in real life like you do in a Grand Theft Auto game.
- The one character in the entire GTA series that cares about the clothes you wear.
- Secrets Behind the Suite: Unveiling the Hidden World behind Luxury Hotels.
- Eco-friendly or Eco-fail?
- Law and Disorder: how TV crime shows get it wrong.
- Sending an email to yourself and it gets detected as spam.
- The friend who has a lot of opinions about Homestuck.
- Making your hearts for to quail.
- Poems including civil engineering advice.
- Good vs. bad nonsense poems.
- A fun poem to read.
- Paying money to engage with content.
- Deliberately slipping on a banana peel.
- What it says about hitting in the Banana Rules.
- School administrators publishing statistics on how many banana peels you've slipped on.
- Skyrim spoiling the presence of robots on the stats screen.
- Watching what players do and rewarding every action they take.
- A good video game is a game that has three good stats screens and no bad stats screens.
- Having a question in your head and not knowing who to ask so you ask the person in front of you.
- Youtube koans.
- Showing content to someone who will be not that jazzed about it.
- Youtube recommending a let's-play from a year ago with 10 views.
- A PMV of the character you are obsessed with.
- The only person who takes a the Youtube Creator Surveys.
- Constantly deleting the shorts.
- Posting a tweet to youtube.com.
- Posting a link to your own videos on Youtube.
- Community captions and what happened to them.
- Doing annotations dirty.
- Nekoneko.
- Comments popping up and scrolling across the screen constantly.
- Listening to a cassette tape you dug up in the desert.