248. The Ephemeral Nature Of Digital Fish Food


July 22nd, 2024

1 hr 3 mins 27 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode




  • Shikiori Ink.
  • The Computer Museum in Berlin.
  • Back when you saw fish-based screen savers everywhere.
  • The Roku app fish screen saver.
  • A rock in the aquarium that says "Roku"
  • 11 hours of fish content.
  • Fish nerds sitting in a small box at the bottom of the ocean getting hype over seeing a small worm.
  • An animated gif of fish nerds getting hype.
  • A live jellyfish web cam that is just in principle.
  • A web cam of the thing that goes donk and everyone cheers when it goes donk.
  • The fish screen saver where you need to keep buying floppy disks with fish food on it or the fish die.
  • Don't copy that fish food!
  • The startup selling digital rabbit food going out of business so all the digital rabbits go into hibernation.
  • The Life Cycle of Software Objects.
  • Being unable to open your front door because the smart lock ran out of batteries.
  • Everybody congratulating you on the infuriating guy you made up to get mad at.
  • Fire safety anecdotes.
  • Glass top electric stoves that look just like induction stoves, as a prank.
  • How fire extinguishers taste.
  • Looking at fire extinguisher dust and thinking "let's get the blood brain barrier involved."
  • Leaving the stove on.
  • Broiling a sandwich and the whole sandwich catches fire.
  • A five year old doing science experiments with a lit candle.
  • The UX design of grease fires.
  • The William Shatner song about the dangers of deep frying a turkey.
  • Relating to the teens coming into fashion for like a week and then the next week the teens are like "You're still trying to relate? That's cheugy AF."
  • Self-moistening fingertips.
  • Soaking your fingertips in water for eight minutes to get them pruny.
  • The Canon of harmonica virtuoso music.
  • Ethereal floating tones that fade in and out of existence.
  • The Flat Bells.
  • The Mellotron as a slightly more physical sampler.
  • Clara Rockmore playing "The Swan" on Theremin.
  • Bit-doers playing "The Swan" on Otamatone.
  • Letting go of what you said to yourself about yourself when you were 16, 26, even 36.
  • The assumption that you need to be forgiven for something.
  • The sun coming up on this episode of Topic Lords.
  • Working up the courage to climb the mountain you see every day from your back yard.
  • Really tall hills you can walk up.
  • What it's like to not hear cars constantly.
  • Designing a building to sound good – even if it isn't a concert hall.
  • Car-free cities.
  • Biking in a bike-centric environment.
  • Throwing your body into traffic and hoping drivers care about the legal liability of running someone over.
  • The intersection where you always see the skid marks from kids doing donuts.
  • Doing watercolors but with ink.
  • Buying a bunch of art supplies and never using them because you're afraid to waste them.
  • How do you get your paintbrush to do what you want?
  • How watercolors behave depending on how wet the painting is and how wet the paintbrush is.
  • Scraping your knife on the painting and it just looks like a shed.
  • Is it a bunch of cats or is it the word "gay"?
  • Images that look like stereograms but aren't.
  • The blank canvas stereogram.
  • Crowds staring at the enormous stereograms hanging up in the Mall of America.
  • Stereogram artists accounting for pupillary distance.
  • Making a stereogram in MS Paint.
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