249. Singles Night At Whole Foods


July 29th, 2024

1 hr 2 mins 26 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode




  • Songs that signify that this scene or moment is sophisticated.
  • How to pronounce Debussy.
  • Southern gothic dark comedy body horror.
  • A weirdo from Twitter who can't email your employer because he doesn't know who you work for.
  • The Glass Key's remake family tree.
  • A drifter samurai coming to a town.
  • A dude who shows up in town and decides to play all the criminal factions against each other.
  • The scene where the protagonist sets the bed on fire and jumps out the window.
  • Escaping from rum runners by convincing them that you've already escaped.
  • Propping your gun on a cross and using Jesus to pull the trigger.
  • A sorceress who spends the whole movie topless because it's one of those movies.
  • Omega Doom starring Rutger Hauer.
  • A robot who gets stabbed in a bar because the stabber needs to download his memories.
  • Using a mook as a human shield.
  • The supporting actor getting a better offer and quitting in between takes.
  • Where you put the interesting part in your movie.
  • A hobo who runs two crime syndicates.
  • The story of two rival vice principals.
  • Jim's theory for why cringe comedy shouldn't exist.
  • Where cringe comedy has gone since Seinfeld.
  • How to make an unlikable protagonist that people don't admire.
  • Characters who aren't good at anything.
  • The schlub.
  • A montage of dad destroying model airplanes with a sledge hammer.
  • Liking some things about someone while not liking other things.
  • A monster who is very fun to hang out with.
  • The character in the show who ends up in Florida.
  • Marathoning Breaking Bad and Better Call Sail and ending up 40 years old no matter how old you were when you started
  • Why you might not throw away a sound bar.
  • Entering the Konami code to enable compression.
  • What the Clear Voice feature actually does.
  • Getting really agitated and putting the subtitles on.
  • Thinking of something interesting to say and then forgetting it.
  • Which one's the son and which one's the dad?
  • Ripley vs. Ripley's Believe it or Not.
  • Lobbying for more mean old lesbians in theatrical productions.
  • Playing Chinese Checkers with a woman who outlived her husband by 70 years.
  • Where you were when you realized that it's possible to outlive your spouse by 70 years.
  • Bowling Alone.
  • A place to meet people that isn't the play you go to drink or the place where you go to pray.
  • All your friends who went sober in the last year.
  • Liquor stores that only sells non-alcoholic products.
  • Mocktail bars.
  • Name tags that have different foods on them.
  • Inappropriate attention in nerd spaces.
  • Figuring out where you can go with all your sober friends.
  • Who listens past the first five minutes of a podcast?
  • AI-driven smell-o-vision.
  • Searching automated transcripts to find things that people didn't say.
  • The subtitler writing "knockos" whenever people in The Wire say "narcos" in a Baltimore accent.
  • Streaming services cutting corners wherever possible in a desperate attempt to become profitable.
  • Snitching on bootlegers of racist Disney movies.
  • How to get banned from TikTok.
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