281. Mr. Nukem Was My Father
March 10th, 2025
1 hr 6 mins 54 secs
Your Hosts
About this Episode
- Stevie
- Bri
- 3D modeling and my lack of visual imagination
- Cutthroat compounds (my linguistic specialty) – current pursuit is "verb-em" last names – I'm researching the origins of the fictional law offices of Dewey Cheatum and Howe
- Pocket Warwick and other lost software
- For a Student Who Used AI to Write a Paper, by Joseph Fasano
- Colma's city motto "It's Great to Be Alive in Colma" is great marketing
- Silly inventor and brainstormer.
- Writing code that generates audio.
- Giving talks at the Odd Salon.
- Coffeehouse revolutionary thinkers.
- Classic Hughes Behavior.
- Looking at Blender again every seven to ten years.
- Imagining a place in any level of detail. (Other than the name.)
- The memory of what a tiger looks like, and whether it rotated on a Lazy Susan.
- Whether seeing things in a dream feels similar to visualization.
- Needing a license to operate as an engineer, but anyone can call themselves an Imagineer.
- Weenies and MacGuffins.
- Drawing something in 2D and tracing it in Blender.
- Different ways to approach level design.
- Thinking of something and putting it in your game.
- Getting your game design playable as soon as possible so you can find out if it's any good.
- A verb and its direct object.
- Misers and drunks and cowards and gluttons.
- Kick 'em Jenny.
- Bop It!
- Plastic keys where the point of the key is that it immediately breaks and you have to buy a new one.
- Lawyer jokes from 19th century Australia.
- Whether Nukem is his last name or just a nickname.
- Syntactic freezes.
- Rude slang words that end up on listicles.
- How "cacafuego" became "spitfire."
- Etymonline shrugging and giving up.
- Not knowing about the alternate pronunciation of parentheses and processes until you get an office job.
- Choosing a comma as one of your hills.
- A unit of sound and meaning that you use to modify another unit of sound and meaning.
- How to pronounce Warwick Davis.
- A Jib Jab.
- A Tamagotchi Situation.
- Boatswains and forecastles.
- Adding redundancy for clarity and also removing it for efficiency.
- If you still have a Jaz disk, what do you even do with it?
- Going to MagFest to see a chip metal band called Master Boot Record and he's throwing floppy disks with Deluxe Paint on them into the crowd.
- Sharing a birthday with a Kentucky Derby winner but not being sure if he's a person or a horse.
- The Friendliest Friend!
- Stu Sutcliffe, the sixth Beatle.
- International Snooker 2012 and Seven Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover.
- Fantasy consoles that only run Final Fantasy games.
- If it's your first time at Nice Club, you have to Nice.
- Seeing a generation grow up using automation to do a task that you had to do by hand and feeling one way or another about it.
- How to tell whether somebody can reason about a topic and express their thoughts clearly.
- Underpants Gnome Plans.
- Polishing your thought processes until you find one that you agree with.
- Defending Your Thesis, directed by Al Brooks.
- The only place on the Internet you can hear advice about going to college.
- Colma Secrets.
- Noone ever stops in Colma (on purpose)
- Everyone who came to San Francisco and died.
- Go By Train.
- Calling the Colma Historical Society to see if they have a living volunteer there that day.
- Calling a song "Going to Colma" and hoping that the phrase catches on as a euphemism for Kicking the Bucket.
- The Joy of Actual Citizens and People Involved in Government.
- Encyclopedia Briannica.