219. Jeff Bezos's Butthole Guy


January 1st, 2024

1 hr 15 mins 38 secs

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About this Episode




  • Three people with social anxiety.
  • Your left ear not working at the post office.
  • 80 people in a post office screaming at each other.
  • Keeping your broken item and just buying another because you don't want to go to the post office.
  • Naming your band after a way to transmit audio.
  • I'm good that they're exist.
  • Getting your New Year's Resolution off of the Mastodon Tooter.
  • Finding a kid at Applebee's to sit next to.
  • Forming a seal on your face when there's hair.
  • A hip burger or hot dog joint hanging a sign saying "Take it to Squirts-Town" over their condiment counter.
  • An app to track how much emotional load you've dumped on each friend recently.
  • Preparing to hold space for your feelings.
  • Going outside and banging on pots and pans at midnight.
  • Getting really into Casey Kasem's Rockin' New Year.
  • Getting twelve grapes and trying to eat a grape on every bong of the clock.
  • How far apart are the bongs?
  • Whack it for a huge dong!
  • The second message board you signed up for. (After The Sims.)
  • Entirely abandoning the idea of drawing with your hands.
  • The Three Tile Rule.
  • New Year, New Wife!
  • Being approached in a Trader Joe's by a guy who runs a message board for men with long hair.
  • How to find people to follow on Cohost.
  • Searching for a technical issue on the internet and finding a post on a message board asking your question and the answer is to "google it."
  • Message boards about tying knots.
  • A ghost giving you a hug.
  • Shadebobs and searching on Youtube for shadebobs.
  • Shadebob Squarepixels.
  • Turn-based speed runs.
  • Oxygenarian runs.
  • Starting with meat. Ending with meat.
  • Whether it's okay to do a Butthole Chart for people who are still alive.
  • The Shade of the Butthole.
  • Special people with hairy buttholes.
  • When God asks you to bring him 50 buttholes, what body parts he'll accept as the butthole.
  • Butthole purism.
  • Personality traits that correspond with butthole traits in popular culture.
  • What to do if you don't like the shade or the smell of your butthole.
  • Going on T because you want a hairier butthole.
  • Whether billionaires are real people.
  • The Butthole of Dorian Gray.
  • Hiring a person to take care of your butthole situation.
  • Making eye contact with the guy who cleans Jeff Bezos's butthole but you can't stop and help, you have to catch your train.
  • PiCoSteveMo outcomes.
  • Self-driving taxis paving the entire planet.
  • Suggesting ideas as a way to make sure nobody will implement those ideas.
  • Receiving a new CD for Christmas in the post-Napster era.
  • What we can still use as stocking stuffers now that CDs and DVDs don't make sense any more.
  • Your life partner going through a Brandon Sanderson phase and giving you a huge Brandon Sanderson book to read.
  • What you call the plug that goes into a plug.
  • Getting paid to learn to solder.
  • Deliberately introducing mpeg artifacts into a video stream.
  • How to troubleshoot a motherboard now that they don't beep any more.
  • How many Intels they're up to now.
  • A memory of fun that you can't go back to.
  • Awful Fantasy.
  • Putting a foul-mouthed rom hack on your SNES Classic and then forgetting that happened when you give it away to your friends' kids.
  • Imagining how great a product is going to be while you're buying the product.
  • Asking for a toy for Christmas even though you know you'll never make time for it.
  • Going to a friend's house and seeing a bajillion guitar pedals that you can't afford.
  • Giving your guitar pedals away to someone who'll actually use them rather than just reselling them.
  • Hanging out with the kind of person who's playing Rock Band in 2023.
  • The only generation that learned how to use computers.
  • Worrying that the five year old computer geniuses are going to hack your foot so you can't walk.
  • Living in New Holstein Wisconsin and needing psychic healing.
  • Living in the city and having a place you go to for hot dogs vs. living in the country and having a guy you call for hot dogs and he comes to your house with a suitcase full of hot dogs and a USB-C grill.
  • Moving to the country so you can hang out of the hot dog guy.
  • A place that's not even really a place because you can't catch Pokemon there.
  • Two Guys and a Place.
  • Bringing independent gas stations their coffee.
  • Yacht Man Cologne.
  • Stuff You're Not Allowed To Eat dot com.
  • Arguing with GPT-4 until it agrees that your Garfield dating sim idea is ethical.
  • Putting on your face shoes.
  • This Is Cake Bread!
  • Tholen vs. Tholen.
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