280. How To Start An Ice Cream Shop (Probably)
March 3rd, 2025
1 hr 21 mins 58 secs
Your Hosts
About this Episode
- Andi
- Casey
- Lifehacks as communion with the divine
- I decided to fire my computer
- Winston is starting to forget things
- A Star Trek watchalong podcast that doesn't exist yet.
- Positing that what you said is no longer an NDA violation by the time this episode comes out.
- Plugging a fake game that you worked on.
- Astrobot.
- Horror movie clinky noises that you can't hear over the PS4 fan noises.
- Caffeine-infused mints with Tux the Penguin branding on Think Geek dot com.
- The pre-eminent source for Life Hacks.
- Using a hotel shower cap to bake bread.
- Anime girls that are happy to see you.
- That one time Film Crit Hulk broke character.
- The joy of moving efficiently through the world.
- More efficient ways to set the microwave timer.
- Hotel rooms that you can bake bread in.
- Whether bread should contain hair.
- Tricking yourself into not being bored while doing something you have to do.
- Reading 50 life hacks and applying none of them because.
- Viral Life Hack that's killed 33 people.
- A life hack that already had a body count in the double digits before someone made a TikTok about it.
- Getting really fed up with computers.
- Cryptographic signing processes that you can't participate in.
- The HDCP certification board taking steps to ensure nobody can take a screen shot of their Crunchy Roll anime.
- The analog hole.
- Open source web browsers that can't see DRM content.
- Microsoft-authenticated Linux installations.
- Designing a circuit that solves a math problem.
- Stamping a circuit onto your circuit clay.
- An independent circuit re-implementation of video game hardware.
- Should you use FPGA to do a thing?
- Ridiculous multi-level memory caching systems.
- Bootstrapping an FPGA design tool that runs on an FPGA device.
- Every single circuit doing something on every single cycle.
- Voltages going high and/or low.
- Making a bunch of CPUs and testing them afterwards to see how many GHz they have.
- Why the PS3 Cell processor had 7 SPUs
- The industrial uses of the Cell processor.
- A GLSL compiler that outputs FPGA circuits.
- Mr. MiSTer.
- Open-hardware laptops.
- Inventing an open-source GPU.
- Multics or Minix.
- Writing a Breakout clone in Rust targeting the weird CPU your friend just invented.
- Making a terrible first effort that is the right kind of good enough.
- A laptop that has a FPGA where the CPU/GPU usually goes.
- 1970s-era TV games.
- The Epoch Cassette Vision.
- A game console with interchangeable cartridges where the CPU is on the cartridge.
- The Glasgow Interface Explorer.
- Describing your FPGA circuit in Python.
- Manufacturing homebrew Cassette Vision Homebrew cartridges for the audience of zero Cassette Vision owners.
- Making art just for you, in the most overly elaborate and overly complicated way possible.
- The programmer equivalent of going to swim with the dolphins.
- Diagonal pixels.
- Childhood amnesia.
- Remembering your memories.
- Using 10% of your brain. (And also the other 90%.)
- Knowing things about stuff.
- When one brother dies, the other brother gets their memories.
- Memories that are formed before vs. after you learn to talk.
- Being persecuted for being friends with a girl.
- Rules of heteronormativity being enforced by three year olds.
- Getting off of Wordpress.