269. Wet-Ass Planetoid
December 16th, 2024
1 hr 9 secs
Your Hosts
About this Episode
- Tyriq
- Alex
- Trying to superficially familiarize myself with every country
- The log burner fan
- Drilling this chair for ancient water
- Variations on a Theme by William Carlos Williams, by Kenneth Koch
- Boichik bagels
- Boxfish skeletons are wilder than seahorse skeletons
- Saya Gray.
- Least-favorite UFO 50 games.
- Treating the city you live in as if you're a tourist.
- Going to obscure corners of parking lots.
- A way to have an adventure in real life.
- The tiny squishy seal that's no longer in your back pocket.
- Web sites that are nothing but quizzes.
- Trying to name every country.
- This Sporcle quiz's opinion about which disputed territories count as countries.
- Feeling more worldly after you memorize the names of every country.
- Learning katakana and then being annoyed when signs do katakana wrong.
- The curse of perfect-pitch.
- Corrupted Pitch.
- Tuning your whole band to the same out of tune guitar.
- Hearing sounds in your head but only the sounds you're also hearing with your ears.
- State.gov hosting PDF reports of the US government's opinion of every country.
- Dear diary, today I did a cool fishing trade with Norway.
- The Four Guineas.
- The Place Across the Woods.
- A giant CPU heat sink in gunmetal black sitting on top of your wood burning stove.
- Devices powered by ambient temperature differentials.
- The spinning thing on the roof that looks like a macaroon.
- Putting googly eyes on your turbine roof vents.
- Whether Stirling Engines are useful for anything other than a demonstration of the principles of the Stirling Engine.
- Fluids moving through spaces of different sizes.
- Injection molded hollow chunky boys.
- Extremely mundane time capsules.
- A Chair for Scientists.
- A giant plastic-encased garbage ravioli.
- Entire ecosystems that have existed without light for thousands of years.
- Your FEMA-approved disaster preparedness chair.
- Sorting all the water molecules on earth from newest to oldest.
- Artists' depictions of the Hadean Earth.
- The biggest wettest comet in the universe.
- Don Quixote, the sopping wet comet.
- Free sharps, only used once!
- Writing a piece for prepared guitar after your kid fills the guitar with crayons.
- Unprepared Pianos.
- Juicy cold March wind.
- A fair-use parody.
- AI analysis of poetry that completely misses the point.
- Editing Wikipedia to say that Lil Jon went to Harvard.
- List of Rivers in Togo.
- What a Specific Guy!
- Registering an account to vandalize Wikipedia every few months for years.
- Supermarket bagels.
- Boiling round bread in water with crustaceans from the Bronx.
- Making your own water to make coffee with.
- Where to get food-grade lye.
- Pastrami lox.
- Seahorse skeletons.
- Every Platonic Solid Has a Fish.
- Where babies breathe from.
- Fish without ribcages.
- Caltrops arranged into a fish.
- Using a pufferfish skeleton as a fidget toy.
- The pufferfish at the center of our solar system.
- The kind of decoration you see in a lobster joint.
- Tropes of the open ocean.
- The guy preventing you from being able to find search results for the Atari game Toobin'.
- The loudest drinks in the world.
- The Toobin' zone in LEGO Dimensions.
- Chucking whole unopened cans of beer from your inner tube.