115. Intrusive Thought Simulator
January 3rd, 2022
1 hr 19 mins 40 secs
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- CisHetKayFaber
- Dan
- Learning something by doing, so you don't understand the theory behind it
- The lonely realization that most people don't really care that much about the things that make you unique (not depressing) (I promise)
- Shrek got a ten minute standing ovation at Cannes in 2001.
- The Jabberwocky
- Cursed connectors and adapters
- Vacationing alone is extremely efficient
- Seeking Mr. Eaten's Name
- A name that has nothing to do with wrestling.
- Upturned Table.
- Topic hunger.
- Hearing something and playing it back.
- The particular rat-a-tat of that ratio.
- The difficulty of making art compelling and simple at the same time.
- In C.
- A proc-gen song that is different every time you hear it but you have to pick just version to put on the record.
- Meeting a group of people who all learned a skill in a certain context and being unable to convince them that you also have the skill but you learned it in a different context.
- Not wanting to tell your family that you are trans because they would be very interested.
- The dream of owning a board and card game store.
- Trying to convince an extremely modest person to tell you something interesting about themselves.
- Doing an interesting thing but not making a mental note to tell your friends about it because you never learned to tell stories.
- A guy whose family fled a corrupt governmental regime being surprised that you think that's interesting, because he knows hundreds of people who lived under a corrupt governmental regime.
- Discovering a viable competitor to Disney.
- Devaluing the Cannes Standing Ovation.
- The Sarcastic Standing Ovation.
- Shepard Tones.
- How many people you need to pay to stand and clap to extend a standing ovation indefinitely.
- Being the one guy who is yelling at everyone to stop applauding.
- Moving the last scene to after the credits roll so that people have to find out who the key grip is to see the whole story.
- Reading a game credits list on MobyGames and giving a standing ovation at the end.
- Vorpal, manxome, uffish, frabjous and other words that didn't exist at one point but now do.
- Understanding the rhythm of language even if the words don't make sense.
- Alice Liddel.
- A faithful musical TV adaptation of the entire Alice in Wonderland series.
- An adapter from pneumatic air to stereo XLR.
- Speakers and microphones as adapters between air pressure and electrical signal.
- Using a microphone as a speaker and a speaker as a microphone.
- The downsides of USB-C.
- A sticker with induction coils on it.
- Counting the pins on a Famicom cartridge.
- How you're supposed to blow into cartridges differently in the United States and in Japan.
- Breathing into your NES cartridge to apply a layer of condensation to the pins and improve connectivity.
- Dry vs. wet exhale.
- Bagpipe to stereo XLR connectors.
- A vacation where you go exactly where you want when you want and never need to form a consensus.
- The kind of AAA vacation that a 4000 person team of Ubisoft employees would go on.
- Spending most of your vacation listening to podcasts in your hotel room.
- Going on a vacation in order to scout out potential locations for future vacations.
- Walking into a book store and going to the zine section and downloading some bespoke local podcasts.
- Asking the concierge at the hotel what podcasts are good to listen to around here, and they suggest This American Life and Radiolab.
- A cloud of scenarios that you can choose to interact with.
- Whether the Last Constable is really last or whether she's just called that.
- Paying for a second candle.
- Waking up in the middle of the night to spend the turns you've accumulated so they don't go to waste.
- Sailing the Unterzee in a majestic pleasure yacht.
- Dreaming about going north.
- Breaking into a dentist's office to steak the jar of teeth from the cupboard in the back.
- Building up your Obscurity to endgame levels.
- Knowing that to solve the mystery you'll need to destroy yourself, and choosing to do it anyway.
- Playing the game to get to the text that you're trying to read.
- The grindiest content in the game.
- Selling your soul to devils and then realizing that you need to get it back so you can destroy it yourself.
- Hammering on the button until it tells you where to go.
- Whether anyone knows the plot of World of Warcraft.
- A great place to discuss topics with people who might become your friends.