283. Dracula's Big Happy Polycule
March 24th, 2025
1 hr 4 mins 35 secs
Your Hosts
About this Episode
- Could Dracula escape Groundhog Day?
- How to know you’re in a golden era
- Indiana Jones is supposed to look good??
- Where the Heart Is by F.S. Yousaf
- Deciding to get a teleprompter on episode 283.
- The Molly James Band.
- Mid-century lounge music.
- Describing yourself as a cross between Pink Floyd and Doja Cat.
- Shooting a music video the day after the election.
- The sun and the battery life racing each other to ruin your forest concert first.
- What does Dracula get up to? Does he have hobbies?
- A lawyer hired to buy Dracula a new house
- Scrubbing all the proper nouns out of your fan fiction.
- Dracula as smoldering sex bomb vs. Dracula as a weird old man.
- Figuring out how to not cancel Dracula.
- A D&D campaign where you need to recruit a therapist into the party as part of your goal is to convince Dracula to become a better person.
- Dracula being verbally abused by all his wives.
- Batman playing Flappy Bird while he waits behind the curtain to ambush the villain.
- Extremely high powered Nerf rifles.
- Joining a community and ascertaining what they need.
- Living through a golden age and not realizing until later.
- Feeling grateful for the good things you once had.
- Being reluctant to push your awesome community because you're afraid it's going to grow too large.
- Figuring out how to 3D print blasters.
- Mentoring under Captain Slug.
- Realizing that your hobby is suddenly your primary source of income.
- How to be part of a burgeoning music scene.
- The cool kid at GDC.
- Ways Jim could've made Glittermitten Grove more accessible without losing the interesting game design.
- Getting email from a parent saying that their kid wants to become a mechanical engineer because of you Nerf blaster design.
- A video game that is the third best Indiana Jones film.
- Who is this technology helping, and how to we stop listening to their opinions?
- Playstation Four and a Half.
- A game with a lot of whirling debris.
- Finding new ways to make more expensive every day.
- How you'd put a loot box in a Pico-8 game.
- The mental health community arguing about when it's okay to sleep with your therapist.
- A/B tasting topics to see which ones get more downloads.
- Staying up late enough to get hungry.
- What kind of salad you'd put Doritos in.
- What kind of salad you'd put a Clif bar in.
- Clif bars: fall off of us!
- Disappointing dolmas.
- Your everyday carry web browser.
- The difference between Chrome and Chromium.
- Why doesn't everyone just compile their own Firefox?
- Bawling at the typewriter about not having the thing you're writing a poem about.
- Deciding your book of love poetry to your therapist.
- Saving your fan mail to be read at your funeral.
- Archaeologists tooting Interesting exchanges written in cuneiform.
- Future archaeologists training AI to peruse the entire corpus of tweets to find the choicest memes.
- The time to look for an out.
- Serenading the audience with the address they can mail cash to.
- Where all the best Lords hang out.