256. Donkey Kong Is A Tankie


September 16th, 2024

1 hr 16 mins 18 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode




  • Writhen Hilt.
  • Writing a few sentences to achieve your goal.
  • Being extremely entertained by your drunken journal entries from a year ago.
  • Remembering the 140 years your son has been around.
  • Learningl from the dead.
  • How the archaeologists of the future are going to cope with social media, let alone the reams of LLM generated nonsense.
  • Detecting forged paintings via the radioactive isotopes that are only found in pigments manufactured after the detonation of the atomic bomb.
  • Low-background steel.
  • Scavenging steel from shipwrecks because you just can't make steel that good any more.
  • Pizza Pranks.
  • Packaging a USB stick as though it's a cassette tape.
  • Packaging your Dungeon Synth album on cassette in a Sega Genesis cartridge box.
  • Propsr Topics.
  • Calling your niece Billy Zane.
  • Naming your child Scooter. (Monotonously.)
  • Being unable to decide whether you're going to name your child Scooter or Squooter.
  • Some Wizard of Earrhsea ahit.
  • Holding power over your friends (magically, not legally)
  • Your name for a person carrying with it your relationship with that person.
  • Why they shipped a game called "Epic Mickey.*
  • Compaeing this year's top 50 baby names to the top 50 a century ago.
  • Mikse meeting Mikes.
  • The Bob Emergency.
  • One day there will be no more Bobs, and a door will close.
  • Continuing to refer to your nephew as a "little kid" even though he's 45 now.
  • Thinking you're getting more liberal but eventually realizing you're getting more apocalyptic.
  • Garbage-ass subreddits full of dis- and misinformation.
  • Battle Jackets vs. Jackets for Battle.
  • Pregnancy subreddits.
  • Checking out of gamer culture entirely.
  • Black metal communities dealing with white supremacists.
  • Can't we just have a place who love swords and wizards?
  • How to not run a Nazi bar.
  • Whether people get more liberal or more conservative as they age.
  • Stone cold hippies.
  • Explaining trans rights to your parents who are doing their best to understand.
  • Asking the AI-generated slush pile how to update your political beliefs.
  • Keeping younger people around who care about you enough to help you fix your shitty opinions.
  • Hungry for Jim topics.
  • Japanese cultural touchstones referenced in video games that just seem like nonsense to Americans.
  • Slavic folklore in the Witcher games.
  • Importing video games from more and more obscure countries because Japan is played out now.
  • Recognizing Greek heavy metal just from the riffs.
  • Vacuuming a couch and twenty one-dollar bills fly out of it.
  • Shagrat, you shag rats!
  • Rheumy weeping orbs that glare with hate.
  • Truly a poem of unknown provenance.
  • Shagrat doesn't deserve this!
  • We had some great topics today, y'all.
  • Mythcarver.
  • A discord for people who are due in the same month as you.
  • The Libras who won't let the dads in.
  • Circle time with other pregnant couples.
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