253. A Unified Theory Of Hot Dog Preference


August 26th, 2024

1 hr 3 mins 44 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode




  • Specialty pour over filter coffee.
  • A very deep rabbit hole of discovery of flavors.
  • Drink the Machine: a Clean Metallic Flavor.
  • Wacy and Chris.
  • Chris or sounds like Chris.
  • Living near your friends and family and being able to see them any time you want.
  • Spot-it.
  • Explaining what "on air" means to someone who has never listened to the radio.
  • Why are flickering lights creepy?
  • Getting Winston ready for swim class.
  • The pressure to hyper-optimize.
  • Being in the place where you are all the time.
  • The world: it's really big and really full of stuff.
  • How to exist in a city where you don't speak the language.
  • Things you don't feel like maximizing.
  • Grocery store bagged salads.
  • Countries that are known for salads.
  • Eating nothing but pickled fish and salty licorice during your trip even though you hate both.
  • Being delighted by mediocre sushi.
  • How many times Topic Lords has been downloaded in Osaka.
  • Modern New-Age Scandinavian Food.
  • Gas station hot dogs in Norway.
  • Ordering a big slab of My Girlfriend is Not Hungry.
  • Ways Norway is familiar to Americans.
  • Walking around kicking the glaciers.
  • Bikepackers.
  • Giant highway ferries with six lanes of traffic.
  • Brown Cheese Waffles.
  • Daylight all night long.
  • Normal people going outside and walking their dogs at 1am.
  • The song that plays with the baby raccoon spinning in a circle.
  • A country that is extremely serious about tunnels.
  • Opening up your windows to let the cave air in.
  • Visiting the Arctic circle in the winter.
  • Good ideas, like Pesto Whipped Cream.
  • Orange Cream Whipped Cream.
  • The toothpaste tubes with the colored wedges.
  • Birthday Cake Coffee Creamer.
  • Guava-flavored beer foam.
  • Coffee creamer except for beer.
  • Chefs seeking out the worst food so they can understand exactly why it's bad.
  • The Friendly's Cone Head.
  • The Bad-Interesting Food Spectrum.
  • Sleep regression, or more generally how you don't always keep forward progress.
  • Why kids become picky eaters.
  • Replicating the texture of uncooked hot dog in a novelty whipped cream.
  • What whippets are for.
  • Original flavorless N2O tanks.
  • Using the word for amyl nitrite that signifies that you are a VCR owner and not a drug user.
  • How to not become dirt in the dirt lair.
  • The dirt man's tithe.
  • Lying to your kid about cosmology.
  • Pretending to believe the little lies as practice for believing big lies.
  • Reminding your mom to make a leprechaun trap.
  • Making fake boot prints to convince your kids that god is real.
  • Reindeer food. (It's just hay.)
  • All the years you didn't keep dirt under your pillow.
  • The dirt man's dirt man taking you even deeper down.
  • Lots of great places where the dirt man can be found.
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